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Civil 3D - Layer Filter Properties dialog box cannot be found-MENU outside of display AREA

Civil 3D Layer Filter Properties dialog [Annotative scale] box cannot be found.     This can occur if a window is displaying outside t...

Thursday, August 26, 2021

MAPDISPLAYMANAGER - entities in modespace remain grayed out


Some entities remain grayed out on display in modelspace. The rebar above is BYLAYER red in color. Yet the section view above has the rebar grayed out, NOt displaying in red.

This is caused by MAPDISPLAYMANAGER command having the option STYLIZATION  turned ON. Enter the command MAPDISPLAYMANAGER, then select STYLIZATION, then set to OFF.

Regen and voila!

Credit to gisdude at AUGI forums. 

Link to article:


Thursday, November 12, 2020



Earth engine installation issue.

 I was trying to install Google earth plugins in QGIS. I received an error requiring me to install earthengine API before continuing.

After trial and error I found out this:

Earth Engine API by Google is easy to install. The instructions are located here:


If you follow the directions, you might get stuck with this :

>>> pip install earthengine-api --upgrade

Tracebak blabh ablah b

fiel <lkdfjdkj> line  in 

Name error syntax ^install.

I didn't know that you have to run the "pip install earthengine-api  upgrade under the regular Windows CMD  shell.



for instance: run Win+R or find your CMD (command prompt)-you can right-click start icon and select windows powershell   from Windows start.

You should see in your prompt a single ">" or actually c:\Users\[yourname]>

Then type:
pip install earthengine-api --upgrade,  and hit enter to install the API.

If successful you willneed to authenticate earthengine

type on the prompt >earthengine authenticate

You will see a browser window asking to authenticate your Google account and you will get a generated code. Paste the code on the command line, enter and you have successfully installed the Earthengine API

On the same command prompt type Earthengine --version

Monday, September 14, 2020

Section Editor- Markers are too big.


 It is very annoying how the section editor view is configured out of the box on Civil 3D: 

The markers are way too big for Out of the Box. These Markers on the subassembly points are different on the Section Editor and are hard to find out which markers they are in the many markers that exist.


This is what I recommend to change(shown with a red tick)


The other change I recommend is to reduce the scale of the  markers in the preview window

The markers are different than those you've chosen on your style to display on your drawing. Under Settings , Multipurpose Styles>Marker Styles> Projection in Section


Reduce the scale of the marker to be able to see your section properly, the default can set at 0.01" and to use the drawing scale to change the size when you zoom in/out.

Now the markers are at a more easier to see size.


Sunday, February 2, 2020

Cannot add layouts using Design Center-AutoCAD LT 2016

AutoCAD LT 2016
Adding layouts from one drawing to another without using Design Center.

     I was trying to add layouts from one drawing to another using Design Center. When I selected the layout and "right-clicked" and selected 'Add layout' my drawing command line would state "Layout (s) added. However, there was no layout(s) added unto my drawing. I searched in vain for a solution since Design Center is very handy to use.
    I found i had to use a simpler way to add the layout by going to the layout and selecting any layout and right-clicking and choosing "From template.." The importing of layouts from a template .dwt also allows you add layouts from any  .dwg file. If the layout is imported a short loading will take place and the lower right part of the window will have a loading bar stating "Scanning drawing". Once the layout is successfully imported it will be the last layout in the drawing.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Recovered drawing

Sometimes.. it is amazing at how many error a recovery can find.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Hp 2000 fan issue

Most laptop fans cool the CPU and GPU with a heatsink attached to a thin fan. This fan can wear out and become slow and/or the heatsink can get plugged with dust. The intake for my HP 2000 laptop is near the QWE keys on the keyboard, this then goes through the fan expelling it through the heatsink fins. If these become clogged, or the fan is failing you will notice a decrease in your laptops performance as the fan cannot cool your computer's demand for processing power. 
This small fan is essential to the cooling of the CPU and video GPU of the HP 2000 laptop. The cooling fins can get easily clogged and you have to disassemble the laptop bottom half.
This is essential for the operation of the CPU and avoiding shutdowns and/or hard disk drive errors.
Fan Info for my HP 2000 -Model 2000 - 2d70DX 
Before and after photos for comparison.
This fan heatsink is for the CPU and GPU