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Civil 3D - Layer Filter Properties dialog box cannot be found-MENU outside of display AREA

Civil 3D Layer Filter Properties dialog [Annotative scale] box cannot be found.     This can occur if a window is displaying outside t...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Shrinkwrap command

How do I make multiple tree canopies into one boundary?

Hidden In Civil 3d is an amazing command called 'shrinkwrap' 
 It allows you select multiple shapes and create an outer boundary of them. It is a bit simpler than the 'boundary' command. It works quite simply like shrinkwrapping objects.

  If you have multiple trees in surveys, you might have multiple criss-crossing tree canopies. 

Some surveyors use points to create tree canopies which are dependent from the tree trunk size. So it expands according to the trunk size leaving all of these bubbles (tree canopies). In order to clean up a survey. you can isolate the tree canopies from a copy , or export of the tree points in the original survey. Then use the 'shrinkwrap' command (command alias = lineworkshrinkwrap) , select the canopies, and put the newly created boundary in a different layer. Once you have created all of them you can isolate the newly created tree canopies and save them under a different file name. Now you can attach the file as an x-ref to substitute the survey point tree canopies and clean up your survey. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Civil 3D - Layer Filter Properties dialog box cannot be found-MENU outside of display AREA

Civil 3D

Layer Filter Properties dialog [Annotative scale] box cannot be found.

    This can occur if a window is displaying outside the display boundaries. To move the window you will need to press Alt+Space+M
Then use the arrow keys to move the window into the display area. You might have to guess the direction where the window is located or in this case. I knew the window was located to the right, because I had 3 display monitors and had to downsize to only two dipslays. The missing display area was the former monitor on the right.

On a sidenote: to lock your menus you can type the system variable LOCKUI=8,
 LOCKUI=0 unlocks them all.

The 'object annotative scale box '  cannot be found. Where did it go?
Video shows a specific Civil 3D menu displaying outside the view boundaries.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Civil 3D - Drag and drop


Importing a style from another drawing using drag n’ drop. Or importing a parts list from another drawing.

DRAWING A recipient.dwg

Drawing A will be the drawing with the donor styles we want to use. Additionally, it will have a parts list for a pipe network to import into drawing B.


Drawing B will be the owner of the custom style(S) and the recipient will be the recipient.dwg.

With both files open in the CAD session select the drawing B to be active.(THE TOOLSPACE MUST BE SET TO: MASTER VIEW)

Begin by opening the toolspace menu.

On the Toolspace menu go to the tabs and select ‘Settings’ tab. If Settings is not shown make sure this icon is highlighted.

Expand the Drawing B FILE.
Then expand the Pipe Network class and expand the Parts lists.
In order to get the style from Drawing B A-Styles.dwg to Drawing A recipient.dwg.
Drag n’ drop the San parts list into recipient.dwg by selecting the icon highlighted. Any other part of the like the name of the style will prevent you from drag n’ dropping the style. Once selected and while holding the left mouse button the icon will turn into the null icon   

Now drag it into the drawing area of the active drawing(recipient.dwg) and drop it in any blank area of the drawing. The icon will turn into this ( a square with a plus symbol on the lower right)

when you drag it into the active drawing. When you let go of the mouse button it will import the style into the active drawing.
     You can make sure the parts list is imported in by expanding the active drawing, going to Pipe Network heading and expanding it.

The San Parts list has been imported from PIPES_4&5.dwg to A-STYLES.dwg.
Now finish by importing the pipe style PROP SAN and Structure styles for every structure for a Proposed Sanitary network before beginning the next step.

Configuring the Pipe Network parts list in a new drawing before referencing a pipe network.

Make sure your drawing has the correct pipe styles and structure styles (PROP SAN, OR EXIST SAN) already imported before beginning.
With our new parts list we can right-click on its name and select ‘edit’. If the parts list was not referenced from a drawing which contained the original network of the parts list.  AutoCAD will default every single item into ‘Standard’ Style or left blank. However, you can choose the parts and select the icon at the top of the heading.

This will assign the style you wish, in this case PROP SAN (proposed sanitary) to the Ductile Iron Pipes.
Repeat for PVC, HDPE, etc.
Structures will also have to be reassigned the correct style if it did not import correctly.
The same will apply for the heading Rules, Render Material and Pay Items. This allows a custom pipe network style to be brought into a different drawing i.e. a concept or exhibit.