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Civil 3D - Layer Filter Properties dialog box cannot be found-MENU outside of display AREA

Civil 3D Layer Filter Properties dialog [Annotative scale] box cannot be found.     This can occur if a window is displaying outside t...

Friday, July 21, 2017

Improve performance of drawings, xrefs and blocks

Improve performance of drawings, xrefs and blocks by removing CRS and map information.

   If you want to improve performance it is a great idea to convert certain x-refs and/or blocks into AutoCAD (not Civil 3D) drawings. In fact if you go into the File menu and use the 'export Civil 3D' option it will convert the civil 3D objects into proxies.
   This is great if you only need to see certain civil 3D objects as overlays in plan view. (x-refs). For example: You can create a 2D drawing of a survey drawing to speed up loading times in certain drawing sets. A 2D drawing will remain in the correct place if you insert it at 0,0 and the CRS coordinates of all the project drawings remain the same.

   File w/ map information embedded in drawing.
You can also make a wblock of the drawing. 


What is the map info? Why does it include it in drawings? The CRS coordinates. Once one drawing in the set establishes them you can have other blocks created in that drawing share the same origin point of 0,0.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Some information on WannaCry.

WannaCry is a ransomware attack which affects mainly old windows 7 , Vista and XP systems.

CNET has a great article explaining the effects of this worldwide attack here.

Microsoft has released Security bulletin MS17-010 to guide you to install an update to prevent this ransomware from attacking your system.


The 2017-05 Security monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7 SP1 is the one I used on my Windows 7 Professional. It actually upadated on 5-15-17.

There are different updates for Vista and XP  depending on wether you have x64(64 bit) or x86(32-bit) architecture.
In order to check your windows operating system. Simply press and hold the window logo key and then press the PrtScn/SysRq key (located above the Insert key).

Friday, March 17, 2017


Adding basemaps to QGIS (satellite or terrain imagery of the world)

It's as easy as installing the QuickMapServices plugin.
Go to menu 'Plugins' and install the plugin called " QuickMapServices"
Then just add any of the layers from any of the following services.
They are immediately added to the as a basemap to the current project.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Export to .shp (Shape file) from AutoCAD map

To export to a shape file from AutoCAD map, Go to File> export> other GIS formats.
On the next menu, select the tab labeled "data".
   in order not to receive the error "this field name already exists"
select only objects...
hit OK

To export a Civil 3D surface to a raster , go to the Prospector and right-click on the surface and choose 'Export to DEM'. On the bottom of the menu, switch the file type from USGS .dem to GEOTIFF .tif file.

To use a large surface in Civil 3D without too much overheard use Autodesk's Map 'connect data' feature and connect to the GIS shape files of contours or surface elevations in various forms (hilshades form-.adf)
without utilizing too many resources. Make sure to match the CRS (coordinate reference system).

Pressure Pipes

Pressure pipes
Changing the Material of a pipe.

You will need:
1. SQL Lite editor
2. Backup of pressure pipe catalog.

1. open you SQL Lite editor and open this catalog file . Imperial_AWWA_PushOn.sqlite

Find this database called WA_MATERIAL_TBD

  1. Click on the left of the title the little arrow to expand the database, then right click on the 'Columns' and select 'Edit table'.
  2. When the window opens the VALUE heading contains the materials you can use for pressure networks (push-on).
  3. Change the value you want. I change the value of 'ductile iron' to just DIP to make my labels smaller. 
  4. When you're done making your changes. click on the check mark 'commit changes' or hit Ctrl+Enter. Then go to the menu 'View' and select 'close selected window'. 
  5. Disconnect the SQL database before closing SQLLiteStudio. It is the second button from the let on the top menu.
  6. You can now close SQL LiteStudio.

Friday, January 13, 2017

QGIS - open source GIS

13 free GIS software progams

Excellent article regarding which GIS open source (freeware) is the best out of 13 choices.


I will try out QGIS. You can download it here at: http://www.qgis.org/en/site/

Update! 02-20-2017
Absolutely love QGIS, I mainly downloaded it to be able to review, edit and gather GIS info.

More to come on how to use this great GIS viewer.

11-12-20 I am currently using QGIS3. The only plug-ins that have given me a bit of an issue have been because I needed to correctly get an authorization from Google's Earthengine API.

Look for my new post regarding how to add a World WMS service plugin called Quickmap services on QGIS. Some of these servers have vast data from certain agencies such as: USGS


Other additional plugins are Google Earth Engine, QAD(QAD allows easy CAD like drafting of lines and polygons)